Implications of Migration

Introduction to Module 7: Implications of Migration

This final module will help students understand the implications of migration. The module will present information about the challenges to integration and inclusion, and address topics like xenophobia and international remittances.

Learning Objective

Students will begin to understand some of the global implications of migration. WMR Chapter Focus: This module will draw on Chapter 6 ‘Migration, inclusion and social cohesion’ from the World Migration Report 2020 and Chapter 8 ‘Disinformation about migration’ from the World Migration Report 2022.

Proposed Schedule

1-2 class periods (50-100 minutes) plus independent student work.

  • Class period one: introduction, student resource sheet; text-based and figures-based questions.
  • Class period two: Module One Scenario Interactive Activity: “Migrant Contributions to Communities”

Student Assessment

There are several assessment options in this module and teacher may use some or all of them.

  • Understanding the Basics: Questions based on the Student Resource Sheets
  • Going Further:
    • Text case study: U.N. official statements on migration and Migration issues in the media
    • Data case study: Migration and international remittances
    • Interactive Scenario: Migrant contributions to local communities

Evidence of Learning

A homework activity that examines how migrants are portrayed in the media.

Starter Activity

Watch the video address by IOM Director General Antonio Vitorino and discuss how migrants are often stigmatized in some corners of the media. Ask students why this is the case? Discuss how this might affect the relations between migrants and the communities in which they reside.