Climate change and migration
Introduction to Module 7: Climate change and migration
Climate change is widely considered an “existential threat to humanity”, in the words of United Nations Secretary‑General António Guterres. Its impacts are being increasingly felt, albeit unevenly, by communities and countries worldwide. In recent years, different editions of the World Migration Report have explored the linkages between human mobility, the environment and climate change, accompanying the growth in scientific literature devoted to this topic, with specific focuses on migration as adaptation, and on the links between slow-onset climate change and migration. The relationship between climate change and migration has gained increasing visibility on the policy agenda over the last decade and there is now much more awareness of the need to address this complex topic. Millions of men, women and children around the world move in anticipation or as a response to environmental stress every year. This module will help students understand the relationship between environmental change and migration, students will learn about mobility drivers and policy initiatives to address the climate impacts on migration.

Learning Objective
Students will be able to articulate the relationship between climate change and migration, describe the impacts of slow-onset climatic changes on human mobility, explain the linkages between food insecurity and migration, and discuss the policy implications of environmental change and human mobility.
WMR Chapter Focus
This module will draw on the topic of migration and climate change detailed in the World Migration Report Series (Ch. 9 WMR 2020 and 2022, Ch. 7 WMR 2024) and other resources developed by the Migration Research Division.
Proposed Schedule
1-2 class periods (50-100 minutes) plus independent student work.
- Class period one: introduction, student resource sheet; text-based and data-based questions.
- Class period two: Scenario Interactive Activity: “Examining policy initiatives that address climate impacts on migration.”

Student Assessment
There are several assessment options in this module and teacher may use some or all of them.
- Understanding the Basics: Questions based on the Student Resource Sheets
- Going Further:
- Text case study: People at risk
- Data case study: New internal displacements due to conflict and disasters
- Interactive Scenario: Examining policy initiatives that address climate impacts on migration
Evidence of Learning
Students will work together to complete a group activity that focuses on policy responses to environmental change and human mobility. The activity includes an oral and/or visual presentation about the project.
Starter Activity
Visit IOM’s Environmental Migration Portal and read a blog about the impact of COVID-19 on migration and the environment.