Where do people migrate?

Introduction to Module 4: Where do people migrate?

There are clear geographic aspects to migration and displacement around the world. This module will help students become familiar with some of differences that exist in each region of the world when it comes to migration. Students will explore where migrants go when the are on the move. The Interactive Scenario gives students a chance to put what have learned to practice as they role-play what it might be like to prepare for how a potential disaster might affect migrant populations as they move from one country to another.

Learning Objective

Students will be able to elaborate on the major migration corridors around the world and the changes in migration flows over space and time. Particular focus is on the differences in migration from continent to continent and region to region.

WMR Chapter Focus

This module will draw on Chapters 2 (Overview) and Chapter 3 (Regional Dimensions) from the World Migration Report 2024.

Proposed Schedule

1-2 class periods (50-100 minutes) plus independent student work.

  • Class period one: introduction, student resource sheet; text-based and figures-based questions.
  • Class period two: Interactive Scenario: “UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination Disaster Preparation”

Student Assessment

There are several assessment options in this module and teacher may use some or all of them.

  • Understanding the Basics:
    • Questions for this module rely heavily on Chapter 3 of the World Migration Report. Information in the Resource Sheets provide broad summaries for each global region.
  • Going Further:
    • Text case study: Extra-Regional Migration Changes * Data case study: Intra-Regional Migration by the Numbers
    • Interactive Scenario: UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) office preparation for the first phase of a sudden-onset emergency.

Evidence of Learning

Students will work together to complete a group activity that focuses on the movement of people around the world. The activity includes and oral presentation and a written reflection on the project. Details of the Evidence of Learning assessment is found in the ‘Scenario’ section of the module.

Starter Activity

Use the World Migration Report interactive map to ask students where they think the most migration flows are occurring around the world. Ask them to think about why certain countries have more migration flows than others. Ask students what challenges might arise in a country if there is a sudden influx of people? How might migration relate to proportional changes in population around the world.

Interactive Visualization

Use the ‘corridors’ tab on the World Migration Report Interactive to examine migration corridors with the entire class.